Microbiology Blogs

Sure! Here are some popular microbiology blogs that you may find informative and interesting:

  1. Microbe Notes – Microbe Notes is a comprehensive blog that covers various topics related to microbiology, including microbial diversity, microbial physiology, infectious diseases, immunology, and more. It provides detailed articles, tutorials, and study notes for students, educators, and researchers in the field of microbiology.

  2. Microbiology Society Blog  – The Microbiology Society Blog features posts from experts in the field of microbiology, covering a wide range of topics including microbial ecology, microbiome research, antimicrobial resistance, virology, and more. The blog also provides insights into the latest microbiology research and trends.

  3. ASM Microbe Blog  – ASM Microbe Blog is the official blog of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) and features posts from leading microbiology experts. The blog covers a wide range of microbiology-related topics, including cutting-edge research, updates on ASM events and conferences, and discussions on current issues in microbiology.

  4. Small Things Considered  – Small Things Considered is a blog hosted by the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) that focuses on the fascinating world of microbes. The blog features engaging and informative posts on various aspects of microbiology, including microbial diversity, microbial interactions, evolution, and more.

  5. Microbial Sciences ( – Microbial Sciences is a blog hosted by the Nature Microbiology journal that features articles written by leading microbiology researchers. The blog covers a wide range of microbiology topics, including microbial ecology, microbiome research, infectious diseases, and more.

  6. Microbiology Online  Microbiology Online is a website that offers a wealth of information on microbiology through articles, tutorials, and resources. The website covers various aspects of microbiology, including microbial diversity, microbial physiology, immunology, virology, and more.

These blogs are great resources for staying updated with the latest research, trends, and discussions in the field of microbiology. They provide valuable insights, educational content, and expert opinions on various topics related to microorganisms and their impact on different areas of science, health, and the environment.